Reduced spares inventory
By standardising on NORD’s IEC electric motor adaptors, you can substantially reduce the number of electric motors held as spare parts. Rather than having multiple variations of each particular electric motor size due to the large range of gearbox ratios available, the customer can now stock only one of every motor power, including frame size and number of poles. This will greatly decrease the customer’s investment in spare electric motors. Apart from NORD’s own range of IEC standard electric motors, the NORD IEC electric motor adaptor will accommodate any other brand of IEC standard electric motor, including electric motors certified in Australia for Hazardous environments.
This philosophy also extends to the number of complete geared motor assemblies carried in your spares stock. By utilising NORD IEC electric motor adaptors in your factory, you eliminate the need to carry a complete geared motor for every single site, as you now do not have to stock a complete second set of spare geared motors to facilitate the replacement of electric motors. This is, of course, excepting spares for those sites identified as critical to maintain continued production.
NORD Drivesystems AU stock and assemble IEC standard electric motors and components between 0.12 kW and 30 kW. All of the NORD electric motors offered are of IE2 efficiency standard which complies or exceeds the Australian MEPS2 efficiency standard. Mounting positions available include B3 foot mount, and B5 or B14A flange mount. The nominal IP protection class is IP56 offered as standard, while the IP66 option is also available from assembly at their Derrimut, Victoria assembly plant. Exterior coatings available include enamel, acrylic and two pack epoxy paints, and the unique NORD Severe Duty ( NSD ) Stainless Steel coating system. NORD Drivesystems can offer an extensive range of electric motor options including rain hoods, incremental and absolute encoders, IP55 and IP66 electromagnetic brakes, integral forced fan cooling, backstops, tropic proofing, and much more.
NORD Drivesystems AU offer NORD IEC electric motor adaptors for their entire range of Helical gearbox’s, encompassing a wide input power range of 0.12 kW to 1000 kW, and with torque capacity up to 550,000 Nm. All NORD gearbox’s are supplied with a two year warranty, and are supported 24/7 from the NORD Drivesystems’ assembly plant.
For further information regarding NORD Drivesystems’ products including the IEC electric motor adaptors, please phone NORD Drivesystems AU on 1300 – 00 NORD ( 1300 – 00 6673 ), email: or refer to the website: