This application guide describes the procedure for commissioning drive-specific motor data and the setting of
- Current control
- Speed control
- Position control
for optimisation of the drive unit's energy efficiency and to obtain dynamic process cycles.
The simple instructions in the form of a recipe, describe the method for determining the ideal setting values to utilise the full potential of NORD drive unitsOnly CFC Closed-Loop mode, i.e. the closed feedback loop with encoder feedback in NORD drive units, presently known as "servo mode" is considered. This has the following advantages in comparison with operation in VFC Open-Loop mode:
- High torques – Rigidity
- Full torque at speed "0"
- High speed precision
- Short control times possible
Several different control functions are implemented as standard in decentralised SK 2xxE frequency inverters as well as in type SK 5xxE control cabinet versions.The document Application Guide AG 0101 is designed for motors from Getriebebau NORD with efficiency class IE4 and is available in the language versions DE and EN.